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Przez tubkę z klejem dziecko trafiło na stół operacyjny


Pewna 3-latka przeżyła jakiś czas temu bardzo trudne chwile. W twarz eksplodował jej klej dołączony do zestawu DIY. Dziewczynka trafiła do szpitala.

Tubka klej szpital
Autor: tiktok.com/@jeanicej

Rodzice pewnej 3-letniej dziewczynki podzielili się w Internecie dramatyczną historią, jaka przydarzyła się ich córce. Gdy  dziecko wzięło do ręki tubkę  z klejem z zestawu DIY i ją  ścisnęło, nastąpił wybuch. Substancja klejąca skleiła 3-latce powieki. Dziecko zostało przewiezione do szpitala. Lekarze zdecydowali, że konieczne jest przeprowadzenie zabiegu chirurgicznego mającego na celu rozklejenie powiek dziecka. Operacja trwała 7 godzin i zakończyła się sukcesem. Jak twierdzą lekarze, 3-latka miała dużo szczęścia. Nie doznała bowiem w wyniku wybuchu poważnych uszkodzeń oczu. Stan zdrowia oczu dziewczynki monitoruje na bieżąco okulista.

@jeanicej I want to put this out there so that nobody has to go through what we have gone through. I bought a advent calendar from Amazon. It was a build your own nightlight. Each day we opened a new item that we would in the end set up and make a cute nightlight. On day 23 we got a blank bottle of glue, which I assumed it was like a Elmer’s glue or the very least have a child’s lock on it. We hadn’t built the kit right away and we put all the items to build it up on a shelf so we could put it together another day. On 12/26 we had just got home and I was unloading groceries in the same spot the pieces were. My daughter happened to grab the bottle of glue and I am assuming squeezed it and it exploded all over her face hands eyes and cheeks. She immediately started screaming she had glued her eyes shut..I turned to grab her and her eyes were sealed shut. I put her right in the sink and started flushing her eyes and my son called 911. We tried flushing and putting baby soap and nothing would budge the glue. The fire department arrived and they began flushing her eyes as well for a good 10 minutes till the ambulance arrived. We then got transferred to the hospital where they tried for 6 hours to get her eyes open with no luck… she then got transferred to the children’s hospital where we decided the best thing we could do is sedate her and rip her eyelids apart. Luckily she has made a recovery we do see the eye specialist tomorrow just to make sure no chemical damage to her eyes but so far she seems to be good. I just want to share our story so that others who get craft kits that say they are geared towards kids are aware of the dangers. Amazon needs to have emergency contacts for their sellers in my opinion. We tried to contact the seller to find out the active ingredients in the blank bottle but got no response. #trauma #fyp #children #dangerous #buyerbeware #amazon #dangerous #craft #toddlersoftiktok ♬ Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
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